Life Coach Certification
Everything you need to know about how, why and if you need to be certified.
Everything you need to know about how, why and if you need to be certified.
Living in the present, or The Now as Ekhart Tolle termed it, is the only way to live with less stress. Past and future don’t even really exist except as memories and concepts in our mind. We can’t affect anything in the past or future, yet almost 100% of our stress comes from regretting the…
This is an interesting one and very cool. It’s a “companion” handbook to A Leader’s Life Purpose Workbook”. This book is for the coach, much like a teacher’s manual goes along with a student text book in school. The book isn’t about life coaching in general so much as it is a guide for coaching…
You can’t do it alone. Period. If you read nothing else, that’s the secret. The people who succeed at creating a sustainable life coaching business have help. They have mentors; people who have gone before them, and succeeded at doing what they want to do. A mentor with specific experience in coaching can accelerate your…
You’ve got a new client! Congratulations! It feels great, maybe a little scary if you don’t know them well, but exciting and encouraging as you see the potential for your business to grow. If you’ve been coaching for a while, you already know what I’m about to share. If you’re fairly new, I have reality…
Limiting beliefs are the stories we tell ourselves about our self, other people, the world in general and our place in the world. Those stories are like a filter we look through when viewing life events. What we think we are seeing determines how we respond. How we respond determines the results we get and…